Title: Glow Worm Robots (Tremelectro-Arachnocampa Luminosa) 
Artist: Kristina Mah
Medium: Plaster, PVC pipes, chicken wire, LEDs, arduino, copper, sensors, soleniods
Exhibition: Snoösphere by Lull Studios at The Big Anxiety Festival
Date: 20 September to 11 November 2017
Location: UNSW Galleries, Art&Design, Paddington Campus, Oxford St, Sydney, Australia
Special Thanks: Lindsay Webb, Elle Knox, Luke Hespanhol, Majella Beck, Ciaran Begley, Brian Harris, Raewyn Turner

"Snoösphere is a responsive sensory environment to roam, touch and explore. Created by Lull Studios, employing autistic artists’ insight into hyper-sensitivity, Snoösphere engages all of the senses using playful spatial and intelligent design." Read more: https://www.thebiganxiety.org/events/snoosphere/
This family of Glow Worm Robots (Tremelectro-Arachnocampa Luminosa) is a rare, primitive but affectionate creatures, discovered in the forest ecosystem of the Snoösphere. This species of socially awkward semi-soft robot can feel when you're close by. They express themselves in clicks and flicks, chattering to each other and tremble with nervous excitement when they sense you are approaching.

These glow worm robots were created as part of the ecosystem at Snoösphere, for The Big Anxiety Festival, UNSW Galleries, Sydney 2017.
Snoösphere is a responsive sensory environment to roam, touch and explore. Created by Lull Studios, employing autistic artists’ insight into hyper-sensitivity, Snoösphere engages all of the senses using playful spatial and intelligent design.

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